Friday, August 16, 2013


I am back, hope I was missed because it would be really sad if no one noticed I was gone. I took a break from everything including my writing. Just so we are clear, I only took a break because I felt I just had to take a break and do some of my greatest work. I wish I could share it on the blog, this great work, but I am still enjoying it privately.

I used to think that becoming a mother and calling it the greatest thing you've ever done was such a cliche, but I must admit. It's pretty damn awesome. The journey wasn't always easy but your baby's first goofy grin and trusting,unblinking stare is well worth all the drama. I am  now a believer. Motherhood is awesome,and I know those of us who have been doing it for a long time will probably sneer at my meager experience, but, I can't help myself. I love everything,seriously!!!even the drooling ;)

Even as I put pen to paper today, my new demanding master is starting to whimper and I am forced to take a break. I normally don't like to take orders from anyone but as soon as I was handed my 8 pound bundle, all bets were off. I am proud to join the legions of mummies in the world and become the best person I can be.

I may be busier than ever but I am the happiest I have ever been, I will keep writing because I cannot lose my sense of self. So look out world, I am back and wiser than ever.....I think.

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