Thursday, June 21, 2012


I am just guessing, but gun to my head, I would have to say that life happens. It isn’t about what you do, how good you are, the evil things you have done or some other profound stuff like that. It just happens, all totally random, kind of senseless and with seemingly no discernible method to the madness (at least none that I see).
As soon we start looking at life this way; as totally random, you will no longer have to keep asking yourself why stuff happens to you. I am guessing (yes, again) I am guessing that my previous belief in karma was vastly flawed or just wishful thinking. How else can we explain why the good stuff happens to some pretty awful human beings and vice versa?
Some would find this mindset scary but it is actually liberating, exhilarating even; kinda like the way I imagine bungee jumping (a complete show of faith that is deemed as madness by some but gives such a rush). I digress though, the point is it is freeing to stop worrying about all the consequences and what ifs. I am just saying, if we all spent a little less time worrying, planning and speculating and a lot more time living there would be a lot fewer cases of depression going around. Even the most careful people end up dead.
Just in case karma is real and these are the rumblings of my sleep deprived mind, I recommend that we keep the evil doing to a minimum. Live your life without excessive caution, doubts or worry. Just live because life will continue to just happen.

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