Wednesday, February 1, 2012


I have come to terms with my addiction, Hi my name is ‘Me’ and I am an addict (I bet half of you just responded appropriately……junkies!) I am a sucker for a good story, be it a movie, good book or a TV Series. Find an engaging story and I am in and I don’t discriminate. I will enjoy a good story from anywhere. Unlike most addicts I don’t have a substance of choice; I will indulge in a cartoon, then a really depressing, engaging or confusing story like sucker punch (……I know Jaber3000, I saw it too).

I am usually not indiscriminate (in my tastes) but I can’t stop myself; I read voraciously from a beano, blogs, comics, papers, magazines. I will probably like the story and become an outright addict, with just a little exposure. I like, no I love me a lovely story, period. So, it is no wonder I am always looking out for new ones. My latest substance of choice, that gives me the best ’high’ is TV series. I think it is the long drawn out storyline that gives me a lasting high. I am especially hooked to those with the offbeat humor and a where the plot keeps throwing a curve ball when you least expect it, such a thrill!


I am not embarrassed to say that I, yes, I said ‘I’ watched the terribly fluff ‘masterpiece’ that is ‘legally blonde’ with great relish. It is a tad embarrassing to admit that I occasionally enjoy a chic flick in spite of the totally shallow plot and outrageous storyline. It is here, that I learnt that I was not the only woman in the world who regarded Cosmopolitan as ‘the bible’ Just Ms. Woods and me. I know. I know it is….blasphemy! But I strongly suggest that you never come between me and my Cosmo. As my addiction goes this is the mother lode.

But I digress, the point is that I am an addict and I will totally lose myself in a good story, so much so, that I will burn the food when I bury my head in a good book. There is always a book in my bag and to my great chagrin not the smart preachy kind that all successful people read to be inspired or to succeed. I just have the good old fashioned fiction kind. I tried the preachy kind and it left a bad taste in my mouth, mostly because I hate being told what to do. They did get one thing right thought, admitting your addiction is such a load off. So, my name is ‘Me’ and I am an addict.